Figure 6 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1929-1939.

Figure 6. Expression of K12 and K15 in GFP-Dstncorn1 corneas at different ages. Whole mounts of GFP-Dstncorn1 cornea were used for immunofluorescence staining with K12 (A,C,E,H,K in green) and K15 (B,D,F,I,L in purple) at indicated ages. Only the cornea is shown. K12 patterns varied in different corneas, but they were present in wide areas of the GFP-Dstncorn1 cornea at all ages examined. K15 staining was present in a wide peripheral zone of the cornea at four weeks (B), and the positive areas appeared to increase in older corneas (D,F,L) while it was only present at a very narrow peripheral zone of CAG-EGFP corneas adjacent to the limbus at all ages (not shown). E and F, H and I, and K and L are double staining of the same corneas, and corresponding composite images of K12 and K15 are also shown (G,J,M). A-D are all different corneas. In both a 19-week-old cornea (E-G for low power, H-J for high power) and a 40-week-old cornea (K-M), cellular patterns of K12 and K15 are mostly complementary and exclusive, although the match is not always perfect. Bars: 500 µm (A-G,K-M); 20 µm (H-J).