Figure 2 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1893-1897.

Figure 2. Slit-lamp image of the lens opacity from an individual with congenital total cataract from the Chinese family. A pre-operative photo of the left eye from patient III:1 (see Figure 1) illustrates the typical cataract identified in this pedigree. The cataract was present around 10-12 years of age and showed progressive development of lens opacities within one to two years and decreased visual acuity, but it is different from others because no amblyopia is presented posteriorly with IOL transplantation. Slit lamp examinations were performed to characterize the lens phenotype. The phenotype is lamellar cataract. Perinuclear-shaped total opacities were restricted to the lamellae and nucleus. The total cataract morphology was identified for all affected members in the family (data not shown).