Figure 5 of Mimura, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1819-1828.

Figure 5. Immunolocalization of CD34-positive or nestin-positive cells within the transplanted DiI-positive precursors in the precursor/gelatin group four weeks after transplantation of gelatin hydrogels with corneal fibroblast precursors. Bright light (black and white, background), rhodamine (red, the transplanted DiI-labeled corneal fibroblast precursors in the gelatin hydrogels), and FITC (green, CD34- or nestin-positive cells) are superimposed with Adobe Photoshop software. Whole transplanted gelatin hydrogels are shown in light red by many DiI-positive corneal fibroblast precursors. A few CD34-positive cells or nestin-positive spindle cells are scattered within the gelatin hydrogels. Scale bar=100 μm.