Figure 2 of Al-Hussaini, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1784-1791.

Figure 2. The distribution and number of Ki67 positive RPE cells in the retinae of pigmented (black bars) and albino (blue bars) rats. A and B show the relative distribution of Ki67 cells in retinae of pigmented and albino rats. In both cases the largest percentage of the total number of cells are located in the periphery with none in central retina regions. The actual distribution of these cells in a pigmented rat is given in C. D shows the absolute number of Ki67 positive RPE cells in a pigmented and an albino animals. The differences shown in A and B between the different retinal regions were statistically significant (ANOVA p<0.0001). Differences between equatorial and peripheral regions were also statistically significant (Newman Keules p<0.001). While the relative differences in the distribution of Ki67 cells within retinae was similar between pigmentation phenotypes, there were always many more RPE cells labeled with Ki67 in albinos compared with pigmented rats. This difference was statistically significant (Newman-Keuls p<0.01).