Table 2 of Burdon, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1727-1736.

Table 2. Results of logistic regression for the outcome of pseudoexfoliation syndrome for each CLU tagging SNP, age, gender, and LOXL1 diplotype.

All controls Oldest controls (>73 years)

p value (Wald test)

Odds ratio
95% CI for OR
p value (Wald test)

Odds ratio
95% CI for OR
Lower Upper Lower Upper
Age <0.001 1.068 1.043 1.094 <0.001 0.886 0.846 0.927
Sex 0.283 0.779 0.493 1.23 0.204 0.734 0.455 1.183
LOXL1 diplotype <0.001 1.908 1.504 2.42 <0.001 1.792 1.421 2.259
rs7821500 0.152 1.05 0.982 1.123 0.199 1.047 0.976 1.122
rs17466684 0.923 0.999 0.969 1.029 0.861 1.003 0.971 1.036
rs2279591 0.414 1.018 0.975 1.062 0.396 1.02 0.975 1.067
rs17057444 0.178 1.176 0.929 1.488 0.06 1.324 0.989 1.774
rs3087554 0.338 1.015 0.984 1.047 0.494 1.012 0.979 1.046
rs7812347 0.761 0.994 0.956 1.034 0.916 0.998 0.956 1.041
rs11136000 0.855 1.003 0.97 1.037 0.85 0.997 0.961 1.033
rs9331888 0.483 0.97 0.892 1.056 0.637 0.979 0.894 1.071
rs9314349 0.989 1 0.968 1.032 0.655 0.992 0.96 1.026
Constant <0.001 0

0.382 0.027