Figure 1 of Demos, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1639-1649.

Figure 1. Pla2g7 mRNA and activity levels, analyzing levels from P10 rd1, P21 rd2, and 48 h light-exposed BALB/c animals and their respective age-matched controls. A: Pla2g7 mRNA levels were plotted from Appendix 1. Retina Pla2g7 mRNA levels are significantly reduced in all three genotypes when compared to controls. Data are expressed as mean±SD of the two arrays analyzed per genotype. B: Tissue retina Pla2g7 levels as measured in a calorimetric assay using 2-thio platelet activating factor (PAF) as substrate, revealed that activity levels in retinas from the three genotypes correlated well with the respective reduced amount of mRNA found in the tissue. Data are expressed as mean±SEM of at least three, independent samples in unit of activity (μmol/min/mg of protein). C: Plasma Pla2g7 levels measured in mandibular blood samples revealed that the two genetic mutations (rd1 and rd2) or the environmental stress (constant light) did not influence systemic, plasma-derived Pla2g7 activity. Data are expressed as mean±SEM of at least three independent samples in unit of activity (μmol/min/mL of plasma). In the graph, red indicates control and blue indicates experimental. The following abbreviations were used: light-damage (LD) and not significant (n.s.)