Figure 2 of Lu, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1614-1622.

Figure 2. Alkali-induced corneal neovascularization and macrophage infiltration. A: The macroscopic appearances of WT, CCL3-KO, CCR1-KO, and CCR5-KO mouse eyes two weeks after alkali injury are illustrated. Representative results from at least 10 animals in each group are shown here. B: Corneal tissues were obtained from WT, CCR1-KO, and CCL3-KO mice two weeks after the injury. Tissues were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (left panels) or immunostained with anti-CD31 antibodies (right panels), and representative results from five individual animals are shown. Original magnifications, 400X. Scale bar, 50 μm. C: CNV numbers per mm2 in hot spots (upper panel) and % CNV areas in hot spots (lower panel) were determined on corneas obtained from WT or KO mice two weeks after the injury. Each value represents the mean and SEM (n=5 animals). An asterisk represents a p<0.05 and that the value was obtained comparing WT and CCL3-KO mice. D: The numbers of infiltrated F4/80 positive macrophages were determined two and four days after the injury. Each value represents the mean and SEM (n=5). The double asterisk indicates a p<0.01 and that the value was obtained comparing WT and CCL3-KO mice.