Figure 4 of Mojumder, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1600-1613.

Figure 4. Calretinin and calbindin-28 kDa are distinctly distributed in the ganglion cell and nerve fiber layer as seen in retinal whole-mounts. A-C: Double labeling for calretinin (red) and calbindin-28 kDa (green) in the ganglion cell layer (GCL)/nerve fiber layer (NFL) shows that labeling for each was present in a distinct set of neurons. Calbindin-28 kDa positive cell bodies are indicated by arrowheads. Some calretinin-positive neurons show processes (arrow) that ascend distally. Note the discontinuous staining pattern of calretinin in the NFL in contrast to a smoother staining pattern for calbindin-28 kDa. D,E: A single confocal optical section distal to that of A-C shows that the calretinin positive processes (arrow) are directed in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) distally toward a calretinin-immunopositive plexus, a characteristic of displaced amacrine cells. G: Representative calretinin and calbindin-28 kDa double staining in the GCL/NFL is shown. Channel intensity profiles for the red and green channels for straight lines along the long axis (lines a and b in G shown in H and I respectively) show different intensity profiles for calretinin and calbindin-28kDa immunofluorescence. Scale bar represents 20 µm.