Figure 1 of Schippert, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1589-1599.

Figure 1. Results of the real-time PCR experiment. The mean differences in gene expression (shown as delta Mean Normalized Expression values, deltaMNE) and their 95% confidence intervals between the lens-treated groups (24 h treatment with +6.9D and −7D lenses, respectively) and the untreated control groups (n=6 animals each) are shown for the nine genes for which the microarray data could be confirmed. The horizontal gray line at fold change 1 indicates no change. Asterisks denote significant differences (p<0.05) between the two groups. Unpaired t-tests were performed, and not corrected for multiple testing. Genes were assigned to clusters depending on the directions of the changes (Cluster 1: changes in the same direction under both conditions; Cluster 2: only regulated in response to positive lens treatment).