Figure 2 of Benko, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1575-1583.

Figure 2. Transcription of inflammasome adaptors and enzymes. The relative expression of adaptors and caspase mRNA was measured by real time RT–PCR in HCE-T cells and in primary corneal epithelial cells derived from five individuals referred to as donors (D1 – D5) as described in Methods. A: Composition of the Nalp1 and Nalp2/Nalp3 inflammasomes is diagrammed. B: Relative expression levels of Nalp-inflammasome adaptors and enzymes in HCE-T cells (mean values of three independent experiments) and in PRK samples are shown in charts. Relative gene expression is shown as the ratio of the indicated transcripts relative to 36B4 expression±SD measured in triplicates. C: Detection of caspase-1 protein expression of HCE-T and THP-1 cell lysates by western blotting is illustrated.