Table 1 of Miyazaki, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1525-1532.

Table 1. Grading criteria of clinical scores.

Criteria 0 1 2 3 4
conjunctival edema none focal edema edema confined within one quadrant edema extending to 3 quadrants massive edema.
lid edema none slightly narrowed palpebral fissure (3/4 normal width) with congestionsevere edema (1/3 of normal width) narrowed palpebral fissure with edema (2/3 of normal width) narrowed fissure with severe edema (1/3 of normal width) massive edema (cornea barely visible).
tear/discharge minimal level of tear meniscus increased tear level with concave meniscus increased tear level with convex meniscus highly increased tear level with mucous secretion excessive tearing with copious discharge
conjunctival redness none barely detectable venous dilatation three or four dilated vessels at corneal limbus five or six dilated vessels at limbus marked ciliary injection