Figure 1 of Ergorul, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1517-1524.

Figure 1. Western blot analysis of VEGF-A164 expression in the glaucomatous retina. A: VEGF-A164 was detected at 45 kDa in control and glaucomatous retinas after five days of elevated IOP. B: Similarly, VEGF-A164 was observed at 45 kDa in the control and glaucomatous retinas following 10 days of elevated IOP. C: Glaucomatous/control ratio of normalized VEGF-A164 densitometry readings in the retina is demonstrated in the chart. VEGF-A164 was expressed at comparable levels in the control and glaucomatous retinas after five and 10 days of elevated IOP. The positive control was the brain, and the loading control was α-tubulin.