Table 2 of Kim, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1487-1495.

Table 2. Results of single marker analysis from the family-based association test, assuming an additive genetic model

SNP Number of
Z value p value
rs3093059 15 3.604 1.010 0.31
rs2794521 41 11.408 0.197 0.84
rs3093062 2 ***** ***** *****
rs3091244 42 13.580 1.123 0.26
rs1417938 46 12.718 0.365 0.72
rs1800947 9 3.075 0.855 0.39
rs1130864 45 12.546 0.885 0.38
rs1205 46 16.403 0.593 0.55
rs3093068* 12 3.00 0.577 0.564