Figure 3 of Cheng, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1401-1413.

Figure 3. Transcripts that were upregulated in deprived parvocellular layers as compared with non-deprived layers of 2 or 4 months after monocular vision deprivation. A: Hierarchical dendogran analysis displayed genes upregulated (orange to red color) in deprived layers as compared with non-deprived layers. B: Pie chart displayed functional categorization of genes that were upregulated in deprived layers. Number in parentheses indicated how many genes involved in that category function. P3-P6 represent parvocellular layer III to VI. Abbreviations: Dep: deprived layer; Non-Dep: non-deprived layer.2 months or 4 months: 2 or 4 months of monocular vision deprivation.