Figure 4. A: Superoxide production
in human lens epithelial cells exposed to dexamethasone. Dexamethasone
exposure to human lens epithelial cells for 24 h had no effect on
superoxide production. Superoxide production was measured over time and
expressed as relative fluorescence units per second and gram protein
(RFU s−1g−1). The experiment was repeated twice
with similar results. B: Peroxide production in human lens
epithelial cells exposed to dexamethasone is also demonstrated.
Exposure of human lens epithelial cells to dexamethasone for 24 h
resulted in increased peroxide production only at the highest
concentration of 100 µM used. The experiment was repeated twice with
similar results. Peroxide production is expressed as relative
fluorescence units per second and gram protein (RFU s−1g−1).
Mean±SEM from three separate culture wells are shown; the asterisk
indicates a p<0.05. C: Glutathione in human lens epithelial
cells exposed to dexamethasone. Dexamethasone did not affect the GSH
level in human lens epithelial cells after incubation with
dexamethasone for 24 h. One representative experiment of three is
shown. The level of GSH was measured after 2 h and expressed as
relative fluorescence units and gram protein (RFU x g-1). Mean ±SEM
from 3 separate culture wells is shown.