Table 1 of Wistow, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1327-1337.

Table 1. NEIBank Custom cDNA libraries used for EST analysis.

Human Rabbit
iris (bx) NbLib0017 cornea (naf) NbLib0086
iris normalized (fg) NbLib0016 eye minus lens and cornea (nag) NbLib0087
keratoconus cornea (od,oe) NbLib0073 lens (nbd) NbLib0112
lacrimal gland (oj) NbLib0076 trigeminal nerve (nbc) NbLib0114
lens (by) NbLib0019
lens normalized (fs) NbLib0020 Guinea pig
optic nerve (nbj) NbLib0119 eye minus lens and retina (nba) NbLib0109
pterygium (nav) NbLib0106 lens (nbb) NbLib0111
retina (hd,he) NbLib0042 retina (naz) NbLib0110
retinal pericyte (hw,hx) NbLib0038
RPE/choroid (cs) NbLib0047 Chicken
Retina Y2H* (nbp) NbLib0129 embryo eye (nax) NbLib0105

hatched eye (naw) NbLib0104
lacrimal gland (ou) NbLib0081 Zebrafish
lens Y2H* (nbf) NbLib0113 anterior segment (nap) NbLib0092
retina (mk,ml) NbLib0058 lens (nab) NbLib0085
retina Y2H* (nbk) NbLib0120 posterior segment (nao) NbLib0095
RPE/choroid (mi,mj) NbLib0059 retina (naq) NbLib0093
whole eye (io,ip) NbLib0032 whole eye (naa) NbLib0084
No3 whole eye (ob,oc) NbLib0074

Rat iguana lens (hm) NbLib0005
eye angle (gw,gx) NbLib0041 kangaroo lens (mw) NbLib0056
lens (nar) NbLib0094 echidna whole eye (ot) NbLib0082
retina (hf,hg) NbLib0063 cow lens (nbm) NbLib0125
whole eye (jd,je,kr,ks) NbLib0061 rhesus monkey lens (nbl) NbLib0126

mouse organ of corti (gi) NbLib0053
Dog human fetal cochlea (n) NbLib0010
cornea (nad) NbLib0089 mouse taste cell (ia) NbLib0123
eye minus lens (or) NbLib0080 lens (nac) NbLib0088
eye minus lens and cornea (nae) NbLib0090