Table 3 of Liu, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1234-1239.

Table 3. Clinical data for the affected individuals of family C with TGFBIp mutation R124C.

Patient number/Sex/ Age (years) Age of onset (years) Time of duration (years) Surgical treatment (Patient’s age when performed) Visual acuity (before surgery) Visual acuity (after surgery)
II-5/M/67 17 60 OU: PKP (62) OU: HM OU: 0.2
III-10/F/35 19 16 OU: ND OU: 0.5
III-11/M/32 22 10 OU: ND OU: 0.6
III-13/M/40 25 15 OU: ND OU: 0.7
III-14/F/37 12 25 OU: ND OU: 0.4
III-15/F/33 24 9 OU: ND OD: 0.6

OS: 0.1