Figure 2 of Agudo, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1050-1063.

Figure 2. Functional clustering of genes regulated after optic nerve injury in the adult rat retina. A: Graph showing which biologic processes and molecular functions are regulated by intraorbital nerve transection (IONT) and intraorbital nerve crush (IONC) in the adult rat retina and the number of up and down-regulated genes in each one. B: Graph showing which pathways are regulated by IONT and IONC in the adult rat retina and the number of up- and down-regulated genes in each one. From 1 to 9: pathways related to cell signaling; from 10 to 11 pathways related to inflammation and immune system; from 12 to 16 pathways related to cytoskeleton; from 17 to 21 pathways related to synapse and from 22 to 25, and 27 to 32 pathways related to basic metabolism. Clusters with a pEASE value <1.00E-04 were considered significant. Black bars represent the number of genes of a given cluster specifically regulated by IONT, white bars specifically regulated by IONC and gray bars commonly regulated by both lesions. The number of upregulated genes in each cluster is shown in the positive y-axis and number of downregulated ones in the negative y-axis Abbreviations: IONT: intraorbital nerve transection. IONC: intraorbital nerve crush.