Appendix 3 of Agudo, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1050-1063.

Appendix 3. Time course gene regulation in adult rat retinas after intraorbital nerve transection and intraorbital nerve crush and functional clustering

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The data shown here are statistically significant fold changes in gene expression (p value false discovery rate (FDR) limma and maSigpro is <0.01 and B value is >0). Values below 1 mean downregulation, and above 1 upregulation compared to naïve samples. Empty cells refer either to control level of expression, which is 1, or to not statistically significant changes. Genes were clustered using DAVID [22] and PubMed reports. Clusters with a pEASE value of less than 1.00E-04 were considered significant. As population manager, backgrounds of Affymetrix RAE230.2 and Rattus norvegicus genome were used. To avoid repetitions, each gene was ascribed to one biologic process. The main biologic processes are shown in red bold font and their sub-clusters are shown in black bold font.