Table 1 of Miyai, Mol Vis 2008; 14:942-950.

Table 1. Demographic data of donors.

Donor# Age Gender Cause of death Ventilation Death to preservation time Death to culture time
1 3 F Medulloblastoma Yes (1 month) 5:59 9 days
2 12 M Anaplastic astrocytoma No 12:06 10 days
3 21 F Seizure disorder No 15:58 6 days
4 38 F Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Yes (1 month) 4:41 5 days
5 55 M Myocardial infarction No 7:23 11 days
6 60 F Colon cancer NA 3:10 2 days
7 61 M Pancreatic cancer No 7:15 8 days
8 73 F Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease No 4:49 6 days
9 18 M Trauma Yes (20 min) 13:12 7 days
10 57 M Myocardial infarction Yes (24 h) 4:35 8 days
11 70 M Myocardial infarction Yes (7 h) 5:34 6 days
12 77 M Cerebrovascular accident Yes (7 h) 3:36 8 days
13 2 M NA NA NA NA
14 4 F Congestive heart failure No 9:10 7 days
15 20 F NA NA NA NA
16 45 F Colon cancer NA 2:00 5 days
17 57 F GI bleed No 3:43 7 days
18 58 M Renal disease No 5:00 5 days
19 68 F Bowel cancer Yes (20 days) 6:16 6 days
20 75 F Renal failure No 5:29 8 days