Figure 6. Mouse transferrin and human
transferrin proteins expression are modulated after iron stress. A:
Mouse transferrin (mTf) secretion was measured by radioimmunoassay
(RIA) in the culture medium of Müller glial (MG) cells from wild-type
(WT) and transgenic (Tg) mice in control condition or after addition of
100 µM of FeCl3-NTA (FN) during 96 h. Each column represents
the mean ±SEM. The double asterisk represents statistical
significance of differences between treated and control,
respectively, for WT and Tg, p<0.01. B: Human transferrin (hTf)
secreted was quantified by ELISA assay in the culture medium of MG
cells from Tg mice in control condition or after addition of 100 µM of
FN during 96 h. Each column represents the mean ±SEM. The double
asterisk represents statistical significance of
differences from control, p<0.01 In both figures, data
considered not significant is marked NS.