Figure 2 of Picciani, Mol Vis 2008; 14:871-877.

Figure 2. Effect of Initial material and time of incubation on relative recovery of proteins from immobilized affinity peptide columns. A. The relative recovery of protein was determined using fractionated Porcine cytosolic proteins on a PHAST gel using silver staining and densitometric scan of the area. The densitometric scan of product from 550 µg of initial TM extract incubated with beads for 3 h, recovered using 1 M NaCl, 100 mM KCl elution after acetone precipitation using 10 µg of carrier yeast tRNA as reference (considered as 100 percent) was used for determination of relative recovery ratios. B. Porcine TM extracts (500 µg initial load) was used for incubation at different times as indicated was eluted with 1 M NaCl and 100 mM KCl using carrier yeast tRNA. Results of three independent determinations were used to determine the mean and standard deviation shown here.