Table 1 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2008; 14:862-870.

Table 1. The changes of blood glucose after injection of streptozotocin.

Group n 72 h 4 weeks 8 weeks 13 weeks p
I 10 6.99±0.42 7.01±0.46 6.13±0.35 6.20±0.73 0.470
II 18 29.18±5.80a 28.73±3.23a 31.46±4.32a 29.39±9.16a 0.341
III 19 28.94±5.53a 27.51±3.01a 31.90±2.20a 31.76±1.69a 0.375
IV 19 28.13±2.68a 29.12±3.05a 31.93±1.99a 31.20±1.87a 0.251
V 19 29.43±5.23a 28.61±5.68a 32.00±1.41a 29.48±7.63a 0.840