Table 1 of Mossböck, Mol Vis 2008; 14:857-861.

Table 1. Genotype and allele frequencies of rs1048661 and rs3825942 in patients with exfoliation glaucoma and control subjects.

SNP Patients with XFG (n=167) Control subjects (n=170) p-value
rs1048661 GG 119 (71.3%) 79 (46.5%) 5.1x10−6
GT 43 (25.7%) 70 (41.2%)
TT 5 (3.0%) 21 (12.4%)
rs1048661 allele G 0.841    0.671 2.55x10−7
rs3825942 GG 165 (98.8%) 109 (64.1%) 9.91x10−19
GA 2 (1.2%) 60 (35.3%)
AA - 1 (0.6%)
rs3825942 allele G 0.994 0.817 5.76x10−15