Table 1 of Brand, Mol Vis 2007; 13:920-932.

Table 1. Quality data of the GeneChip® experiments

The quality of each chip is evaluated and depends (among others) on 3'/5' ratios, the background and scalar factor. The percentage of present calls is also an important indicator of quality. Shown are the mean values of six arrays per treatment group with corresponding standard deviation (SD). All values met the expected quality criteria.

                    Array 30 min    Array 4 h     Array 6+6 h
-----------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
GAPDH 3'/5' ratio    0.74±0.03     0.89±0.01      0.79±0.02
Actin 3'/5' ratio    1.53±0.07     1.8±0.08       1.68±0.03
Background           51.13±6.59    80.52±6.94     81.68±18.5
Scalar factor        1.56±0.38     1.02±0.14      1.34±0.08
% present            56.69±1.34    54.45±1.19     52.4±1.44

Brand, Mol Vis 2007; 13:920-932 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535