Table 2 of Johnson, Mol Vis 2007; 13:887-919.

Table 2. Retinal lamination and corresponding staining intensity of mitochondria, calcium transporters and ER

COX IV represents cytochrome oxidase subunit IV; VDAC represents voltage-dependent anion channel; POLG represents mitochondrial DNA polymerase-γ; PMCA represents plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase; NCX represents Na+/Ca2+ exchanger isoform 1; ER represents endoplasmic reticulum ROS and COS represents rod and cone outer segments; RIS and CIS represents rod and cone inner segments; ONL and INL represents outer and inner nuclear layer; OPL and IPL represents outer and inner plexiform layer; GCL represents ganglion cell layer intensity staining key: ++++ represents intense; +++ represents strong; ++ represents moderate; + represents weak; 0 represents absent; na represents not applicable.

                                   Mitochondrial antibody     transporters
                                 --------------------------   -------------
Retinal Area or Structure        COX IV     VDAC       POLG   PMCA   NCX      Calreticulin
------------------------------   --------   --------   ----   ----   ------   ------------
ROS and COS                      0          0          0      0      0        0
RIS and CIS                      ++++       ++/+++     ++++   +      ++++     ++++
Cone juxtanuclear mitochondria   +++/++++   +++/++++   +++    na     na       na
Rod juxtanuclear mitochondria    ++/+++     ++         +++    na     na       na
Overall ONL                      +/++       ++/+++     +/++   +      +++      ++
OPL                              ++++       ++++       ++++   ++++   ++/+++   ++/+++
Distal INL somas                 ++         +          ++++   ++     ++       ++/+++
Middle INL somas                 +/++       +          +      ++     ++       ++
Proximal INL somas               +/++       +          ++++   ++     ++       ++/+++
IPL sublamina-α                  +++/++++   ++/+++     +/++   +++    ++/+++   0/+
IPL sublamina-β                  +++/++++   ++/+++     ++     +++    ++       0/+
RGC                              +++        ++         +++    ++     ++       +++
Müller glial end-feet            ++++       0/+        +      ++     0/+      0/+

Johnson, Mol Vis 2007; 13:887-919 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535