Table 1 of Johnson, Mol Vis 2007; 13:887-919.

Table 1. Cell-specific primary antibodies and lectin

The primary antigen or lectin, structure(s) they label, host, source, and reference are presented.

Primary antigen or lectin        Structure labeled      Host     Source           Dilution   References
------------------------------   --------------------   ------   --------------   --------   ----------
Calreticulin                     ER                     Rabbit   Chemicon            1:100        78,79
Middle wavelength-sensitive      Cones                  Rabbit   Kind gift from     1:1000          109
cone arrestin (M-CAr)                                            Cheryl Craft
Cytochrome oxidase subunit IV    Mitochondrial inner    Mouse    Molecular           1:500     40,73,94
(COX IV)                         membrane system                 Probes
Kinesin KIF3A                    Photoreceptor ribbon   Mouse    BD Biosciences      1:100           71
                                 and synaptic
Na+/Ca2+ exchanger isoform 1     Synaptic terminals     Rabbit   Swant               1:100        81,82
Middle wavelength-sensitive      Cones                  Rabbit   Kind gift from     1:1000           65
opsin (M-opsin)                                                  Cheryl Craft
Short wavelength-sensitive       Cones                  Rabbit   Kind gift from     1:1000           65
opsin (S-opsin)                                                  Cheryl Craft
pan-Plasma membrane Ca2+         Synaptic terminals     Mouse    Affinity            1:100           81
ATPase (PMCA)                                                    Bioreagents
Mitochondrial DNA polymerase-γ   Mitochondrial matrix   Rabbit   Lab Vision          1:500           76
Protein kinase C-α (PKCα)        Rod bipolar cells      Rabbit   Sigma              1:1000        68,69
Rhodopsin (1D4)                  Rods                   Mouse    Chemicon           1:1000           72
Sarcoplasmic-endoplasmic         ER                     Rabbit   Affinity            1:400           80
reticulum Ca2+ ATPase isoform                                    Bioreagents
3 (SERCA3)
Synaptotagmin 1                  Photoreceptor and      Mouse    Chemicon            1:100       70,113
                                 bipolar synaptic
pan-Voltage-dependent anion      Mitochondrial outer    Rabbit   Calbiochem         1:1000           74
channel (VDAC)                   membrane
Vesicular glutamate              Photoreceptor and      Guinea   Chemicon          1:1,000           69
transporter 1 (VGluT1)           bipolar cell           pig
Peanut agglutinin (PNA)-Alexa    Cone outer segments             Molecular            1:50        58,69
Fluor 647 Conjugate              and terminals                   Probes

Johnson, Mol Vis 2007; 13:887-919 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535