Table 1 of Berta, Mol Vis 2007; 13:881-886.

Table 1. Summary of labeling density of caveolin-1 at different sites in human retina

Caveolin-1 was present in all layers of the retina. Weakest signals were detected in the pigment epithelium (low). A center-to-peripheral gradient was observed: very low, low, moderate and high density at the central part (M), maximum level (very high) at the periphery (P), very low and low at ciliary body (CB). - indicates none; + indicates very low; ++ indicates low; +++ indicates moderate; ++++ indicates high; +++++ indicates very high.

Region   M      P       CB
------   ----   -----   --
PE       +      +++++   +
OS       ++     +++++   ++
OLM      ++     +++++
ONL      +++    +++++
OPL      ++++   +++++
INL      +++    +++++
IPL      +++    +++++
GC       ++++   +++++
ONF      ++++   +++++
ILM      ++++   +++++

Berta, Mol Vis 2007; 13:881-886 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535