Table 4 of Danciger, Mol Vis 2007; 13:79-85.

Table 4. Comparison of age-related retinal degeneration in pigmented versus albino and male versus female mice1

1Mice were aged to 8 months in dim cyclic light.

                          Mean ONL in      p value from
       Mice               μm±SEM (n)       Student's t-test
---------------------   ----------------   ----------------
B x A/J, F2 pigmented   39.75±0.25 (119)
B x A/J, F2 albino      39.96±0.34 (51)       p=0.670
B x A/J, F2 male        40.48±0.26 (93)
B x A/J, F2 female      39.06±0.34 (77)       p=8.7x10-4

Danciger, Mol Vis 2007; 13:79-85 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535