Table 3 of Danciger, Mol Vis 2007; 13:79-85.

Table 3. Quantitative trait loci from the age-related retinal degeneration A x B intercross study

Analysis with Map Manager QTXb20. Quantitative trait based on the mean of all outer nuclear layer (ONL) thickness measurements. 1HS represents highly significant; S represents significant; Sugg represents suggestive, 2cM positions are the distances from the centromere taken from the MGI map, 3Mb positions were determined from MGI based on the UniSTS annotation of NCBI Build 36.1 and rounded to the nearest 0.1 million bases. Distances shown are from the acrocentric centromere, 4The percent total genetic effect represents percentage effect for this locus divided by total percentage effect of controls (89%) rounded to the nearest whole number, 5the 59 controls include 14 A/J, 14 C57BL/6J, and 31 F1 mice, 6when two models are noted, both have similar percentage effects and similar LOD scores, 7The negative or "-" percentage genetic effect score indicates a B-susceptible allele; all other percentage genetic effect scores indicate B-protective alleles.

       Marker(s) at    cM2 from     Mb3 from     LOD    % effect (%total    Best fitting
Sig1   peak of QTL    centromere   centromere   score   genetic effect)4   inheritance model
----   ------------   ----------   ----------   -----   ----------------   -----------------
HS     595 controls      ---          ---       27.76       89 (100)            dominant
Sugg   D12Mit16         53.0         105.3
       D12NDS2          59.0          ---        2.91        8 (9)              recessive
Sugg   D13Mit13         35.0          55.1
       D13Mit256        40.0          ---        2.85        7 (8)              add/dom6
Sugg   D17Mit51         22.9          41.0
       D17Mit20         34.3          54.9       2.22        5 (6)              dominant
Sugg   D14Mit98          3.0          15.0
       D14Mit60         15.0          46.0       2.15        5 (6)              additive
Sugg   D12Mit59         13.0          28.1
       D12Mit91         29.0          68.6       2.24       -5 (-6)7            recessive

Danciger, Mol Vis 2007; 13:79-85 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535