Table 1 of Danciger, Mol Vis 2007; 13:79-85.

Table 1. Mean outer nuclear layer thickness of strains of mice aged to eight months

"Balbino" represents C57BL/6J-c2J (albino); "Bpig" represents C57BL/6J (pigmented). Numbers in parentheses are sampling sizes. Outer nuclear layer thickness measurements are in μm±SEM.

   A/J         NZW/LacJ    129S1/SvImJ   BALB/cByJ     Balbino        Bpig
  (14)           (13)          (10)         (29)         (19)         (21)
-----------   ----------   -----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
28.76±0.68    31.67±1.35    37.76±0.42    39.05±0.28   42.11±0.58   42.85±0.52

Danciger, Mol Vis 2007; 13:79-85 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535