Table 1 of Mo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:746-757.

Table 1. Characteristics of blank and pSOD-EYFP-encapsulated HSA NP formulations

* Particles were prepared with 1 μl of 10% glutaraldehyde (low crosslinking). ** Particles were prepared with 20 μl of 10% glutaraldehyde (high crosslinking).

Formulation         Size (nm)   Polydispersity   Zeta potential (mV)   pSOD loading%
-----------------   ---------   --------------   -------------------   -------------
Blank HSA NP I*      158±3        0.16±0.01          -20.4±0.9           -
pSOD-HSA NP I*       157±1        0.09±0.01          -23.1±1.5           64.8±2.4
Blank HSA NP II**    116±7        0.29±0.04          -22.7±4.9           -
pSOD-HSA NP II**     122±2        0.25±0.01          -44.3±0.7           83.6±4.7

Mo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:746-757 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535