Table 1 of Richeti, Mol Vis 2007; 13:740-745.

Table 1. Allelic frequency of AC(n) repeats in diabetic patients and normal controls

NPDR represents nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy; PDR represents proliferative diabetic retinopathy; n represents number of alleles.

         Diabetes mellitus type 1 patients
         Normal (%)   NPDR (%)    PDR (%)    Controls
Allele     n=66         n=32        n=30     (%) n=110
------   ----------   ---------   ---------   ---------
Z+12     0 (0.0)      0 (0.0)     0 (0.0)     2 (1.8)
Z+6      2 (3.0)      1 (3.1)     0 (0.0)     2 (1.8)
Z+4      4 (6.1)      1 (3.1)     1 (3.3)     7 (6.4)
Z+2      13 (19.7)    5 (15.6)    2 (6.7)     8 (7.3)
Z        20 (30.3)    8 (25.0)    17 (56.7)   48 (43.6)
Z-2      23 (34.8)    14 (43.8)   8 (26.7)    38 (34.6)
Z-4      3 (4.5)      3 (9.4)     1 (3.3)     2 (1.8)
Z-6      1 (1.5)      0 (0.0)     1 (3.3)     1 (0.9)
Z-12     0 (0.0)      0 (0.0)     0 (0.0)     1 (0.9)
Z-16     0 (0.0)      0 (0.0)     0 (0.0)     1 (0.9)

Richeti, Mol Vis 2007; 13:740-745 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535