Table 3 of Tang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:534-544.

Table 3. MYOC polymorphisms: summary of genetics data for parents and tests of association by family-based association testing under different genetic models in 162 nuclear families

The polymorphisms are shown in order from the 5' end to the 3' end of the MYOC gene: the first four markers in the top part and the last three markers in the bottom part (See Figure 1 for details). For single nucleotide polymorphisms, the major allele was designated as 1 and minor allele as 2, with the identities of the alleles shown within brackets. For microsatellites, four alleles were found for NGA17 and six alleles for NGA19, with the number of GT repeats shown within brackets. "No. of families" refers to the number of informative families in which there was at least one heterozygous parent while "-" indicates that the corresponding value was not calculated because the number of informative families was less than 10. The degree of freedom (n) is shown within brackets after chi2: χ2(n), where n=1, 2, or 3.

    Marker          rs2075537                  NGA17                   rs235920        rs7523603
---------------   --------------   ------------------------------   --------------   --------------
Allele            1 (G)   2 (T)    3 (13)  4 (14)  5 (15)  6 (16)   1 (T)   2 (C)    1 (A)   2 (G)
Freq in parents   0.5633  0.4367   0.5015  0.1836  0.3117  0.0031   0.5355  0.4645   0.7562  0.2438

FBAT - Additive model

No. of families   125     125      123     74      107     2        121     121      91      91
Z score           -0.45   0.45     1.34    1.56    -2.59   -        -1.09   1.09     1.21    -1.21
p value           0.6526  0.6526   0.1797  0.12    0.0097  -        0.2774  0.2774   0.2283  0.2283
Global stat.      chi2(1)=0.203    chi2(3)=11.733                   chi2(1)=1.180    chi2(1)=1.452
                  p=0.6526         p=0.0084                         p=0.2774         p=0.2283

FBAT - Dominant model

No. of families   70      95       82      73      94      2        79      88       32      78
Z score           -0.21   0.45     0.87    1.46    -2.47   -        -0.97   0.70     1.65    -0.52
p value           0.8316  0.6528   0.3843  0.1455  0.01443 -        0.3316  0.4838   0.09945 0.6004
Global stat.      chi2(2)=0.225    chi2(3)=7.366                    chi2(2)=1.243    chi2(2)=2.850
                  p=0.8934         p=0.0611                         p=0.5372         p=0.2405

FBAT - Recessive model

No. of families   95      70       83      18      38      0        88      79       78      32
Z score           -0.45   0.21     1.17    0.76    -1.19   -        -0.70   0.97     0.52    -1.65
p value           0.6528  0.8316   0.2438  0.4477  0.233   -        0.4838  0.3316   0.6004  0.0995
Global stat.      chi2(2)=0.225    chi2(3)=3.212                    chi2(2)=1.243    chi2(2)=2.850
                  p=0.8934         p=0.3601                         p=0.5372         p=0.2405

    Marker                             NGA19                          rs2421853         rs235858
---------------   -----------------------------------------------   --------------   --------------
Allele            1 (11)  3 (13)   4 (14)  5 (15)  6 (16)  7 (17)   1 (C)   2 (T)    1 (T)   2 (C)
Freq in parents   0.0015  0.2176   0.0077  0.7114  0.0602  0.0015   0.7299  0.2701   0.6003  0.3997

FBAT - Additive model

No. of families   1       96       5       115     32      1        102     102      109     109
Z score           -       -3.03    -       2.1     1.13    -        -3.32   3.32     4.60    -4.60
p value           -       0.0024   -       0.0353  0.2579  -        0.0009  0.0009   4.0E-06 4.0E-06
Global stat.      chi2(3)=10.162                                    chi2(1)=11.000   chi2(1)=21.146
                  p=0.0172                                          p=0.0009         p=4.0E-6

FBAT - Dominant model
---------------   -----------------------------------------------   --------------   --------------
No. of families   1       91       5       42      32      1        26      95       54      87
Z score           -       -2.28    -       2.83    0.93    -        -1.80   2.97     2.92    -3.90
p value           -       0.0224   -       0.0047  0.3519  -        0.0725  0.0030   0.0035  9.6E-05
Global stat.      chi2(3)=12.711                                    chi2(2)=11.011   chi2(2)=21.165
                  p=0.0053                                          p=0.0041         p=2.5E-5

FBAT - Recessive model
---------------   -----------------------------------------------   --------------   --------------
No. of families   0       28       0       107     1       0        95      26       87      54
Z score           -       -2.53    -       0.92    -       -        -2.97   1.80     3.90    -2.92
p value           -       0.0113   -       0.3576  -       -        0.0030  0.0725   9.6E-05 0.0035
Global stat.      chi2(2)=6.837                                     chi2(2)=11.011   chi2(2)=21.165
                  p=0.0328                                          p=0.0041         p=2.5E-5

Tang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:534-544 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535