Table 2 of Tang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:534-544.

Table 2. Summary of ocular data of myopic offspring

This study involved a total of 233 myopic offspring. The table shows the distribution of refractive errors and size-related measurements of both eyes in the myopic offspring. All ocular data are expressed as mean±standard deviation. D represents diopters.

   Ocular parameter (unit)        Right eye     Left eye
------------------------------   -----------   -----------
Spherical power (D)               -8.38±1.90    -8.27±1.89

Equivalent spherical power (D)    -9.06±2.01    -9.10±2.00

Astigmatism (D)                   -1.35±0.88    -1.67±0.96

Corneal cylindrical power (D)     -1.54±0.73    -1.65±0.79

Axial length (mm)                 26.88±1.05    26.86±1.14

Anterior chamber depth (mm)        3.57±0.34     3.54±0.35

Tang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:534-544 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535