Table 5 of Hunter, Mol Vis 2007; 13:431-442.

Table 5. Comparison of human, canine and mouse PAX6 exon and intron sizes.

The asterisk indicates that human sizes were determined using reference sequence NM_001604 and the UCSC human genome sequence. The double asterisk indicates that mouse sizes were determined using reference sequence NM_013627 and the UCSC mouse genome sequence. The "cross" indicates that canine intron 2 and 7 estimates are based on the TIGR 1.5X (poodle) sequence. ΔCanine intron 4 and 11 estimates are based on UCSC 7.5X (boxer) sequence. The complete size of canine exon 13 is unknown. The ATG start codon is located in human and canine exon 4, and mouse exon 3. The TAA stop codon is located in human and canine exon 13, and mouse exon 12.

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Hunter, Mol Vis 2007; 13:431-442 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535