Table 5 of Ahad, Mol Vis 2007; 13:388-396.

Table 5. Comparison of mean visual acuities between RANTES -403 GG and RANTES -403 GA/AA over a ten-year period

The G allele of RANTES -403 SNP was significantly associated with worst visual acuity in the affected eye. As shown in this table patients with the GG genotype had a worse mean visual acuity as compared to carriers of the A allele. The difference was greater in early years but even after 10 years of onset of disease the patients with A allele carriage had better mean visual acuity.

               Mean VA     Mean VA     Mean VA     Mean VA    Mean VA
  Genotype     at year 1   at year 2   at year 3   at year 5   at year 10
------------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ----------
RANTES GG       0.5103      0.4824      0.4817      0.4155       0.3844
RANTES GA/AA    0.7140      0.6783      0.6726      0.6213       0.5422
P value         0.002       0.013       0.016       0.026        0.056

Ahad, Mol Vis 2007; 13:388-396 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535