Table 4 of Ahad, Mol Vis 2007; 13:388-396.

Table 4. Allelic frequencies of chemokine single nucleotide polymorphisms in major subgroups of idiopathic posterior segment uveitis

Idiopathic posterior segment uveitis was divided into four types on the basis of site of inflammation. Subgroup analysis did not reveal any association of chemokine SNPs with any phenotype of uveitis apart from CCR2 64I allele, which was slightly higher in patients with intermediate uveitis (12%) when compared to the controls (7%; p=0.03, pc=0.09). The genotypic frequencies are shown in percentages.

                              Intermediate    Pan      Posterior    Grand
                                uveitis      uveitis    uveitis    Vasculitis   total
         Genotype               n=(77)       n=(17)  n=(29)   n=(18)  n=(141)
---------------------------   ------------   -------   ---------   ----------   -------
MCP-1 -2518 A/G     AA            53%         71%        69%         50%          58%
                    AG            43%         18%        28%         44%          37%
                    GG            4%          12%        3%          6%           5%

RANTES -403 G/A     GG            58%         71%        59%         67%          61%
                    GA            40%         24%        31%         28%          35%
                    AA            1%          6%         10%         6%           4%

RANTES -28 C/G      CC            95%         88%        93%         100%         94%
                    CG            5%          12%        7%          0%           6%

CCR2 V64I           VV            79%         76%        93%         83%          82%
                    VI            18%         24%        7%          17%          16%
                    II            3%          0%         0%          0%           1%

CCR5 -59029 G/A     GG            25%         6%         17%         28%          21%
                    GA            40%         47%        66%         28%          45%
                    AA            35%         47%        17%         44%          34%

CCR5 32 bp deletion wt/wt         81%         76%        72%         72%          77%
                    wt/del        17%         18%        28%         28%          21%
                    del/del       3%          6%         0%          0%           2%

Ahad, Mol Vis 2007; 13:388-396 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535