Table 3 of Ahad, Mol Vis 2007; 13:388-396.

Table 3. Genotypic frequencies of chemokine single nucleotide polymorphisms in patients and controls

The genotypic frequencies of the six polymorphisms were compared between patients and controls. The frequencies are shown in percentage and as seen in the table there are no significant differences between the genotypic frequencies of patients and controls.

                                Patients   Controls
        Genotype                n=(141)    n=(282)
-----------------------------   --------   --------

MCP-1 -2518 A/G       AA        58.2%       53.4%
                      AG        36.9%       38.5%
                      GG        5.0%        8.1%

RANTES -403 G/A       GG        61.0%       63.3%
                      GA        34.8%       31.8%
                      AA        4.3%        4.9%

RANTES -28 C/G        CC        94.3%       94.3%
                      CG        5.7%        5.3%
                      GG        0.0%        0.4%

CCR2 V64I             VV        82.3%       87.2%
                      VI        16.3%       12.5%
                      II        1.4%        0.4%

CCR5 -59029 G/A       GG        21.3%       22.3%
                      GA        44.7%       48.6%
                      AA        34.0%       29.1%

CCR2 32 bp deletion   wt/wt     77.3%       76.6%
                      wt/del    20.6%       21.6%
                      del/del   2.1%        1.8%

Ahad, Mol Vis 2007; 13:388-396 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535