Table 2 of Ahad, Mol Vis 2007; 13:388-396.

Table 2. Demographic and clinical details of the 141 patients

141 patients with idiopathic posterior segment uveitis were included in this study. The follow up ranged from 1.5-42.6 years. This table summarizes the clinical details of the patients.

-----------------------------------------   -------------   ------------------------
Follow up in years                          Mean=6.8        Range=(1.5-42.6)
Sex                                         Males=59        Females=82
Laterality of disease                       Bilateral=118   Unilateral=23
Age of onset (years)                        Mean=37.82      Range=(5-70.5)
Recurrence (rate per year)                  Mean=1.92       Range=(1-7)
MeanVisual impairment during inflammation   Mean=6/12       Range=(6/5-PL)
Best corrected vision after 18 months       Mean=6/9        Range=(6/5-HM)
Permanent visual loss                       n=55            Mean=6/24, Range=6/12-HM
More than 10 mg of steroids for long term   n=51
On second line of immuno-suppressants       n=51
Cystoid macular edema                       n=85
Raised intra-ocular pressure                n=46
Cataract                                    n=55

Ahad, Mol Vis 2007; 13:388-396 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535