Figure 3 of Liu, Mol Vis 2007; 13:31-38.

Figure 3. Effects of stable expression of the β5 proteasome subunit on the accumulation of carbonylated proteins after H2O2 treatment in LECs

Basal level of carbonyl content measured prior to treatment with H2O2 showed no significant difference between LECs expressing β5 subunit and controls (0.41±0.10 nmol/mg and 0.45±0.12 nmol/mg, respectively, p>0.05). When LECs were exposed to 40 mM H2O2, carbonyl content increased both in LECs overexpressing β5 and control cells. The accumulation of carbonyl proteins was significantly lower in LECs expressing β5 (1.63±0.36 nmol/mg versus 2.65±0.44 nmol/mg, p<0.01). The result is representative of the three independent cell lines analyzed.

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Liu, Mol Vis 2007; 13:31-38 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535