Table 2 of Warburton, Mol Vis 2007; 13:318-329.

Table 2. Melanolipofuscin proteome comparison with other organelles

The proteome of melanolipofuscin (MLF) was compared to the proteome of several relevant organelles. Organelles are listed in order of decreasing number of proteins in common with MLF.

                    Total     No. of
Organelle          proteins   common   Percent   Reference
----------------   --------   ------   -------   ----------
Melanolipofuscin     110        -        -       this study
RPE melanosomes      102        23      22.5     [28]
Phagosomes           140        18      12.9     [29]
Lipofuscin            36        14      38.9     [20]
Melanocyte            68        7       10.3     [30]

Warburton, Mol Vis 2007; 13:318-329 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535