Table 1 of Murugesan, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2301-2309.

Table 1. Effect of temperature on the molar mass, hydrodynamic radius and polydispersity index of Wt-αA and αAG98R proteins

The asterisk indicates that the protein precipitated on incubation at this temperature. The precipitate was removed by centrifugation and analysis was done using the supernatant containing soluble aggregates. "NA" indicates that soluble proteins were found at nanogram levels. Accurate mass measurements become difficult under these conditions, so data was not analyzed.

                  Molar mass
                 distribution                      Hydrodynamic
                 across peak       Average molar    radius, Rh    Polydispersity
Temperature        (g/mol)         mass (g/mol)        (nm)           index
-----------   ------------------   -------------   ------------   --------------
 4 °C           10.61e5-  3.73e5     6.94±0.02e5      8.8±0.2      1.053 (0.8%)
25 °C           10.06e5-  3.64e5     6.71±0.02e5      8.5±0.2      1.053 (1%)
37 °C            8.41e5-  3.87e5     5.68±0.02e5      7.9±0.2      1.032 (1%)
45 °C           11.48e5-  4.58e5     6.32±0.03e5      8.1±0.2      1.017 (0.9%)
53 °C           13.89e5-  6.91e5     8.67±0.02e5      9.1±0.2      1.020 (0.6%)
65 °C*         258.50e5- 99.77e5   195.10±0.04e5     25.8±0.6      1.240 (4%)
 4 °C           48.28e5- 18.07e5    26.49±0.01e5     15.2±0.3      1.090 (0.9%)
25 °C          173.30e5- 25.90e5    34.11±0.02e5     16.0±0.4      1.157 (2%)
37 °C          346.60e5- 42.14e5    70.83±0.07e5     19.4±0.5      1.158 (2%)
45 °C*        4385.48e5-120.01e5   166.00±0.04e5     30.2±0.7      1.262 (6%)
53 °C*                NA                NA              NA              NA
65 °C*                NA                NA              NA              NA

Murugesan, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2301-2309 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535