Figure 8 of Murugesan, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2301-2309.

Figure 8. Effect of wild-type αA- and αB-crystallins on the chaperone activity of αAG98R

The chaperone activity of the crystallin was measured in a ADH aggregation at 43 °C. Curve 1, 250 μg ADH; Curve 2, 250 μg ADH + 30 μg of αAG98R; Curve 3, 250 μg ADH + 15 μg wild-type αA-crystallin + 15 μg αAG98R; Curve 4, 250 μg ADH + 30 μg wild-type αA-crystallin; Curve 5, 250 μg ADH + 30 μg wild-type αB-crystallin; Curve 6, 250 μg of ADH + 7.5 μg wild-type αA-crystallin + 7.5 μg αAG98R + 15 μg wild-type αB-crystallin.

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Murugesan, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2301-2309 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535