Table 2 of Camelo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2263-2274.

Table 2. Ocular distribution of Rh-Lip and VIP-Rh-Lip are equivalent

Ocular and systemic distribution of Rh-Lip-bearing cells 24 h and 14 days following their IVT injections

                           Rh-Lip   VIP-Rh-Lip
         Tissue             n=3        n=3
------------------------   ------   ----------
Aqueous humor                -          -
Vitreous                     ++         ++
Inner limiting membrane      ++         ++
Retinal parenchyma           -          -
Iris                         -          -
Ciliary body and muscles     +          +
Conjunctiva                  ++         ++
Episclera                    ++         ++

Camelo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2263-2274 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535