Figure 2 of Park, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2222-2232.

Figure 2. Comparison of corneal staining

Corneal staining was not significantly different between non-injection, saline injection, and BTX-B injection groups at one week post-injection (A). At two weeks post-injection, the BTX-B injection group showed a significantly higher corneal staining grade (B). The asterisk indicates that p=0.004 and a double asterisk means that p=0.012, Mann-Whitney Test. Topical treatment began one week after the injection of BTX-B in the AT, CsA, and FM treatment groups. Corneas treated with topical drops showed no improvement despite one week of treatment compared to the no-treatment group, the BTX-B group (C). After three weeks of topical treatment, both CsA and fluorometholone improved corneal staining grade at four weeks post-injection. However, only fluorometholone reached statistical significance (D). The asterisk indicates that p=0.026, Mann-Whitney Test. n=3 in each group. AT: artificial tear, CsA: cyclosporine A, FM: fluorometholone

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Park, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2222-2232 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535