Table 2 of Richardson, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2148-2152.

Table 2. Genotype distribution and significance of vascular endothelial growth factor tag single nucleotide polymorphisms in total age-related macular degeneration as well as stratified by disease and controls

Asterisk means number of individuals genotyped for each single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) varied according to genotyping success rate. Overall, this rate varied from 95.5% to 96.4%, Significance (double asterisk means p) determined using the Pearson chi-square test, is the value of association between age-related macular degeneration (AMD) total cases versus controls and AMD subtypes versus controls. The following abbreviations are used: geographic atrophy (GA), number (n), and reference SNP (rs).

              Control      Total AMD   Early AMD  Neovascular     GA
              n=173*        n=577*      n=50*     AMD n=342*     n=101*
---------   ----------   ----------   ---------   -----------   ---------
Genotype      n (%)        n (%)        n (%)       n (%)        n (%)
---------   ----------   ----------   ---------   -----------   ---------
TT          40 (25.5)    154 (27.2)   14 (29.8)   92 (27.4)     27 (27.0)
TC          78 (49.7)    259 (45.8)   21 (44.7)   158 (47.0)    43 (43.0)
CC          39 (24.8)    153 (27.0)   12 (25.5)   86 (25.6)     30 (30.0)
P**                      0.68         0.80        0.86          0.58
CC          111 (65.7)   387 (70.2)   37 (75.6)   232 (71.6)    62 (62.6)
CT          52 (30.8)    145 (26.3)   11 (22.4)   81 (25.0)     33 (33.3)
TT          6 (3.5)      19 (3.4)     1 (2.0)     11 (3.4)      4 (4.0)
P**                      0.51         0.42        0.38          0.88
GG          81 (47.6)    287 (51.9)   23 (47.9)   172 (52.6)    55 (55.6)
GA          72 (42.4)    198 (35.8)   19 (39.6)   109 (33.3)    37 (37.4)
AA          17 (10.0)    68 (12.3)    6 (12.5)    46 (14.1)     7 (7.0)
P**                      0.28         0.86        0.11          0.41
CC          78 (46.2)    229 (41.7)   19 (39.6)   133 (41.0)    37 (38.9)
CA          71 (42.0)    245 (44.6)   23 (47.9)   139 (42.9)    50 (52.6)
AA          20 (11.8)    75 (13.7)    6 (12.5)    52 (16.1)     8 (8.4)
P**                      0.57         0.71        0.36          0.24
GG          115 (71.9)   422 (75.9)   36 (75.0)   251 (75.8)    77 (78.6)
GC          42 (26.3)    127 (22.8)   12 (25.0)   75 (22.7)     20 (20.4)
CC          3 (1.8)      7 (1.3)      0 (0.0)     5 (1.5)       1 (1.0)
P**                      0.54         0.62        0.64          0.68
CC          143 (85.1)   461 (83.5)   40 (81.6)   275 (84.6)    81 (81.0)
CT          25 (14.9)    89 (16.1)    9 (18.4)    49 (15.1)     18 (18.0)
TT          0 (0.0)      2 (0.4)      0 (0.0)     1 (0.3)       1 (1.0)
P**                      0.68         0.56        0.77          0.34
GG          47 (29.4)    177 (31.5)   13 (27.7)   110 (32.7)    32 (33.3)
GA          79 (49.4)    287 (51.1)   23 (48.9)   174 (51.8)    47 (49.0)
AA          34 (21.2)    98 (17.4)    11 (23.4)   52 (15.5)     17 (17.7)
P**                      0.54         0.94        0.27          0.71

Richardson, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2148-2152 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535