Table 3 of Chen, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2142-2147.

Table 3. Diplotype distribution in subjects with diabetes

Diplotypes (i.e., combined individual genotypes for the two polymorphisms 4a/b and G894T). Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated from the 2x2 table of one diplotype or haplotype versus the rest of all the other dipolotypes or haplotypes comparing with diabetes with retinopathy versus diabetes without retinopathy.

    and        Diabetes with   Diabetes without
 haplotypes     retinopathy      retinopathy        OR (95% CI)     p-value
------------   -------------   ----------------   ---------------   -------
Diplotype(n)    68               300
aG/bG           17 (25.0)        133 (44.3)       0.4 (0.23-0.76)   0.0034
bG/bG           31 (45.6)         94 (31.3)       1.8 (1.07-3.14)   0.0250
aG/aG            9 (13.2)         46 (15.3)       0.8 (0.39-1.82)   0.6613
bG/bT           10 (14.7)         21 (7.0)        2.3 (1.03-5.12)   0.0389
aG/aT            1 (1.5)           2 (0.7)        2.2 (0.20-24.9)   0.5056
aT/bT            0                 2 (0.67)            -                -
bT/bT            0                 2 (0.67)            -                -
bG              89 (65.4)        342 (57.0)       1.4 (0.97-2.11)   0.0712
AG              36 (26.5)        227 (37.8)       0.6 (0.39-0.90)   0.0125
bT              10 (7.4)          27 (4.5)        1.7 (0.80-3.57)   0.1692
aT               1 (0.7)           4 (0.67)       1.1 (0.12-9.95)   0.9300

Chen, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2142-2147 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535