Table 2 of Sun, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2105-2111.

Table 2. Distribution of APOE genotype and allele frequencies in whites and African-Americans

Asterisk represents test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

APOE     Whites        African-Americans
------   -----------   -----------------
Allele   N (%)         N (%)
ε 2      325 (8.9)     94 (14.6)
ε 3      2890 (78.9)   443 (69.0)
ε 4      447 (12.2)    105 (16.4)
Total    3662          642


ε2/ε2    11 (0.6)      5 (1.6)
ε2/ε3    249 (13.6)    75 (23.3)
ε3/ε3    1138 (62.2)   147 (45.8)
ε2/ε4    54 (2.9)      9 (2.8)
ε3/ε4    365 (19.9)    74 (23.1)
ε4/ε4    14 (0.8)      11 (3.4)
Total    1831          321
         p=0.22*       p=0.63*

Sun, Mol Vis 2007; 13:2105-2111 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535