Table 2 of Scholl, Mol Vis 2007; 13:196-205.

Table 2. Candidate gene studies for age-related macular degeneration

Genes with at least one positive result to date. For a comprehensive review of these genes including references, see Haddad et al. [17].

Chromosome                Gene
----------   -----------------------------
   1         ABCA4, HEMICENTIN (Fibulin 6)
   3         CX3CR1
   6         HLA genes, VEGF, ELOVL4, SOD2
   7         PON1
   9         VLDLR, TLR4
  12         LRP6
  14         Fibulin 5
  17         ACE
  19         APOE
  20         CST3, MMP9

Scholl, Mol Vis 2007; 13:196-205 <>
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